Republic of Kanem

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Kanem is a country located in West Africa.


National Spirits

Luftwaffe Terror Bombing
  • Construction Speed: -60.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -40.00%
  • Production Efficiency Growth: -35.00%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +25.00%
Launched from airfields in Südwestafrika, the German Luftwaffe regularly launch missions across western Africa, indiscriminately bombing both civilian and military targets as a demented form of 'pilot training'. Only along the coast do those few scattered cities with sufficient anti-air capabilities keep the Luftwaffe at bay, with none in the region capable of beating back this enemy permanently. This leaves the Germans with near impunity to strike the towns and farmlands further inland, crippling west African growth until this nightmare can finally end.
Inhospitable Conditions
  • GDP Growth: -0.10%
  • Administrative Program Cost Factor: -10.00%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: -10.00%
The territory of Kanem is primarily uninhabited deserts and arid grasslands. With access to water a scarcity, large-scale farming is essentially impossible, and most people live in small settlements or among nomadic tribes. Transforming this place into a prospering, modern state would take extreme amounts of investment and funding, something Kanem has essentially no access to.
Legacy of the Kingdoms
  • War Support: -10.00%
  • Division Attack on Core Territory: -10.00%
  • Division Defense on Core Territory: -10.00%
The kingdoms of Kanem and Bornu were once some of the most powerful empires in Africa, controlling huge stretches of territory from Nigeria to the Sahara. Later in history the kingdom of Bornu was one of the last independent states in Africa, only capitulating to the French in 1900. The legacy of the kingdoms looms large in the minds of the people, and the new government must move quickly if it is to have any chance of measuring up to the memory of its predecessors.