Military Governorate of Shonan-Marai

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The Military Governorate of Shonan-Marai (ショナンマライ軍政部, Shonan-Marai Gunseibu) is an overseas Japanese territory occupying the territory of the former British colonies in Malaya and Singapore.

It borders the Republic of Thailand to the north.


The Military Governorate of Shonan-Marai is lead by the 25th Army's Provisional Government under Yamamoto Moichirō.


Flag Country Name Ideologies Notes
Shonan marai gunseibu.webp
Military Governorate of Shonan-Marai
Military Governorate of Shonan-to
Colonial Government subideology.pngColonial Government
1949 Malaya Flag Proposal 2.png
Federation of Malaya
Democratic Republic of Malaya
National Conservatism subideology.pngNational Conservatism
Paternalistic Conservatism subideology.pngPaternalistic Conservatism
Left-Wing Nationalism subideology.pngLeft-Wing Nationalism
Malayan Emergency victory
Sultanate of Johor Military Junta subideology.pngMilitary Junta Malayan Emergency ceasefire


  • Malaya was originally under the total control of a Japanese colonial government known as the Federation of Syonan led by Sultan Ibrahim of Johor, a Japanese collaborator who served as a Puppet King to them. He would have later passed from natural causes and be replaced by Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III, whom would enact reforms to turn Malaya into a Conservative Democracy led by Tunku Abdul Rahman. Syonan also originally owned North Borneo before it was given to the North Borneo Military Administration.This nation was eventually turned into its current state in the Toolbox Theory Update.

The flag of the Military Governorate of Shonan-Marai has "25th Army" written on the flag in Japanese, in reference to the 25th Army of Japan that took part in the Malayan Campaign and served as a garrison force in Malaya and Singapore.